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Work Ethic | Ephesians 6:5-8

S.Scripture | Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the integrity of your heart, as to Christ; not by way of eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, serving with good will as to the Lord, and not to men, knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free. Ephesians 6:5–8

O.Observation | Praise God slavery is not acceptable in America today! Yet, we need to know that slavery was much different 2,000 years ago when the New Testament was written. Masters were not necessarily lifelong owners, there was a year of Jubilee every 7th year where slaves were set free (Lev 25; Ex 21). Also, masters were providers and protectors, and were to aim to be good to their slaves (Col 4:1; Eph 6:9). In that time some slaves were even slaves for life by choice, out of a love for their master (Ex 21:2-6). Some became slaves temporarily to help themselves and their family out of poverty and some found life as a slave under a good master better than life as a freeman. This kind of slavery is insanely different then our history with its atrocities that have caused ramifications for our society which still impact us today. And we must be clear too, some slavery in biblical times was also wicked and wrong, being far from the will of God.

These verses in application today apply to our employment and employing. As an employee, the lesson is that we obey our employer so long as they do not command us contrary to God’s Word. We are to obey our bosses with fear and trembling. Further, our lesson teaches us we don’t only obey outwardly in “eye-service” but from the heart “as to Christ.” In this men are to obey their boss, as if he were Christ. Such submission is taught in marriage as well as we have seen recently. It is a selfless service not to men, but for God and for His glory. In this way, we receive a heavenly treasure when we obey (Matt 6:19–21). That means God gives us a gracious reward in eternity even when we obey those who are given charge over our lives. Hardworking consistent diligence then is for the glory of the Lord.

A.Application | In a self-centered, self-entitled era we may struggle to work hard when others are not doing the same. We may struggle to only work hard for our own advancement and personal gain. However, our work is to be for the Lord. The purpose of our existence applies even to our work. To do all things for the glory of God alone. What is my attitude toward my God given role in life? Do I fulfill my duties with excellence for His glory alone? How can I improve both my heart attitude and my outward obedience? Is my work ethic glorifying to God and consistent? Do I interact with coworkers in a way that shines the light of God’s grace and truth? Do I handle conflict and feedback in a way that shows a humble like godliness?

P.Prayer | Father, I confess that my heart is not always right about the roles and responsibilities you’ve given me in this life. Please convict me when I complain and grumble. Please redirect my heart away from selfish gain and personal ambition to want to live out my love for you in everything I do. Give me strength and diligence in every task, by the power of Your Spirit in me and for your glory alone. Amen.

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