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Unconditional Love | Ephesians 5:33

S.Scripture | Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:33

O.Observation | In this lesson scripture reveals the law of “love thy neighbor” applied to our closest relation for those who are married. A man and woman who were two, become one in marriage. There is no one closer than a man and woman joined by this holy union. As we saw earlier in Ephesians 5, this union is to be lived out in fulfilling the biblical duties of selfless unconditional surrender to our Savior and Lord. Notice there are no qualifiers for when these duties are fulfilled. They are continuous, regardless of the other party. The motivation is not the other being worthy, but faith and obedience to God.

It’s important to establish that the power we have to love our spouse biblically is found in God and not them. How so? First, we love because God loves us (1 Jn 4:19). Second, the effective work of the Word from study, meditation and prayer (Is 55:10–11). The third power to follow our duty in marriage is our love for Jesus, who instead of giving us what we deserve in hell, died a horrific death for us, paying the ransom price for our souls giving us eternity with Him to look forward to. Fourth, our longing to store up for ourselves treasure in heaven. Fifth, our aim to live in a way that pleases Him (2 Cor 5.9-10). Last but not least, our passion to bring glory to His name in all we do (1 Cor 10:31).

This means the less a spouse deserves love or respect, the more glory is given to God when we still obey His Word and fulfill our duty to love our closest neighbor.

A.Application | What conditions do I place on my obedience to be the spouse God commands me to be? How can I grow my love for Him so that I can show unconditional love for others more? Has the selfish pride of thinking of what I deserve kept me from extending love and respect with God’s grace when my spouse doesn’t deserve it?

P.Prayer | Father, through Your Word make me more like Your Son, willingly surrendering my life for your will and your glory. Heal my marriage from my failure to obey my God given role biblically. Heal it through forgiveness, repentance, faith and unconditional obedience in me. Not so that I might gain something in return, but only because I love you and want my life to be all for your glory alone. Amen.

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