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Treasuring God’s Word | 1 Thessalonians 2:13

Scripture | 1 Thessalonians 2:13 “For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.”

Observation | First, we learn here that some “receive” the Word of God. We might say that receiving is accepting the Word, more than just hearing the Word. In Deuteronomy 6:4 “hear“ is the Hebrew word “Shema.” Shema became the name of the prayer that follows in verses 4 thru 9. The Shema prayer was said twice a day by Jews in Jesus day, and even is still today. It would be quite unlikely that Jesus didn’t pray the Shema twice a day himself especially when He gives it the most exalted place of all the commands of God (Matt 22:37). The word “shema” means not only to listen to the sound waves coming into your ears, but to understand the words and respond to them. Such a “shema” response to the Word of God comes out as both faith and obedience.

“Receiving” the Word of God is the same concept here in our text. For instance, when a hearer listens to Scripture but rejects or does not respond in faith and deed, the Word of God was not received. Even if they heard it. Even if they understood and agreed with it. They listened, but they did not hear, as in they did not shema, as in they did not receive.

Do we not think that the demons listen to the Word, believe and agree that it is true (for they know and see the spiritual). James says they do (James 2:19). Yet what do they lack then? They cannot receive the Word, so as to obey the Word, no matter how much they know it is true. Intellectual agreement then is different then a faith that trusts and obeys. This is why James teaches us that a demon’s faith, which is still confident trust, is nonetheless dead (2:22).

This concept of receiving the Word rightly brings to mind the man in Jesus’ parable who is pictured as good soil that “hears the Word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty (Matt 13:23).”

Application | Let’s always receive God’s word, no matter how difficult it is to believe or obey. Let’s not join the many in our day who do not truly receive it and bear little to no fruit. Let’s hear the Word, receive the Word, believe in the Word’s promises, trust in the Wor’ds truths and obey it’s commands.

Observation | Second, we learn here that this word was received as the “Word of God“ and not the “word of men.“ This truth teaches that we hold something much more than the writings of man when we pick up the historical bible (I am not referring to versions where some have added other writings). This also means that when scripture is accurately and faithfully taught, God is the one speaking (1 Pet 4:11). We dare not reject or harden our hearts while our creator and divine sustainer of all things speaks to us. Some have such a sad and lacks approach to the Word today. They lack sleep, or allow themselves to have jobs that keep them from the Lord’s day and daily devotion.

Think this through logically and biblically. If God appeared in flesh on earth and Himself taught humanity, no one who loved Him would busy themselves or allow themselves to be kept from hearing the Word of God. Nothing would be more important then being there and receiving what He says. All other engagements would be broken of for what is the most valuable priority (Matt 13:44-46; Luke 10:42). If you desire to walk the ancient paths of God, it starts here. With a higher view of scripture than anything.

In contrast to such a high view of scripture, week after week, those who claim Christ forsake the teaching of His Word and the gathering of the believers on the Lord’s day (Heb 10:25). They forsake the commandment of God (Exodus 20:8–11) for the business and busyness of this world. Since Christ ascended this has never been such a widely embraced practice in the church, until the early 1900’s. Something has changed, and it is not the Word or the ways of God, it is the churches desire to be like and to be friend the World.

Today, churches and Pastors give comfort by condoning the historically unprecedented practice of breaking the Sabbath. They twist scripture that says no one should be condemned for their Sabbath practice (Col 2:16), into a verse that is to “free” us from God’s holy ways by releasing us from what has always been His will since creation. What is that will? The Sabbath is to be set aside for God. It is a day of worship and rest that Jesus says was created for mankind (Mark 2:27). The Sabbath is so important it was designed during the creation of the world (Gen 2:2–3). The church today however, even creates alternative worship days and times to accommodate other priorities in people’s lives and a “have it my way” style of obedient faith.
Meanwhile, uncountable numbers of people claim the name of Christ, forsake His Word and His church and bring great scorn to the glory of God.

Then the ones who finally come to church out of a rightfully guilty conscience, only fit it into their schedule when they can. When they do come, most are all too often more concerned about when the service will be over, then how they might just hear a little more from God who speaks through His Word. It is foreign to them to devote a whole day to God, much less a whole hour.

Application | Oh, how we who say we believe must repent and begin to show in our priorities and preparedness how greatly we value the Word of God. In its preaching, as much as in our private devotion. What must I forsake in this world to prioritize the One who is worthy of all of my time? Do I need to repent of my sin of breaking the Sabbath and joyfully observe this rest in my Lord every week? Or do I already?

Observation | Third, let’s grow our love and treasure of the Word of God because it is “at work and us.” When God speaks it is not empty words. His word is powerful and actively working (Heb 4:12-13). “Work” is the Greek word energeō in this verse. It is an active and continuous word that could be translated as “labor.” The Word of God labors in us actively and continuously for God’s outcome and effect (Isa 55:10-11). That is unless we forsake it’s teaching and our own private devotion to it.

Application | Do I think God’s word is weak? Unable to perform its purpose? If not, then why do I not seek it more and set side all that I can to hear it taught and preached? Have ball games and employment taken a greater value in my life? They have for the countless lives of those who claim Christ today. Does this make me more comfortable with the same lukewarm approach to the power of God’s Word and His Sabbath? How must I repent and return in faith and obedience to the living Word?

Prayer | Father, I have neglected You and Your Word. I confess that I have sinned by not observing the Sabbath, created on the last day of creation for me (Mark 2:27) that I would set aside one day in seven for seeking and worshiping You. I repent of the new and twisted view of the Sabbath that has been sown into the church in the last few generations. Give me the strength to set aside everything possible to observe the Sabbath every Lord’s day as the church has done for 1,900 years. Let me also desire the same Word that is not only preached but at work in me in my own private prayer closet (Matt 6:6). That I might receive Your Word which performs its work in me. All for You and for Your glory. Amen.

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