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Train for Godliness | 1 Timothy 4:7

Scripture | 1 Timothy 4:7 “Train yourself for the purpose of godliness”

Observation | The Lord in His Word warns against falling away (v.1). He explains how it happens (v.1-5). False religion grips the consciences of people so tightly the false teaching becomes burned in as if it were actual truth. To avoid this, the Lord commands us to walk on a path that will keep us from false teaching (v.6-7). First we are to point out these things, then we are to instead nourish ourselves on the Word and sound doctrine (teaching). After that we must refuse stories and myths and focus on training ourselves for godliness.

What is godliness? If we are to train ourselves for this purpose we must understand it. In short, godliness is becoming more and more like God. Well then how can we become like God? First, we must know and trust in the forgiveness of Jesus as our Savior and also as our Lord (Rom 10:9-10). This is justification.

Then, those who truly believe cannot help themselves but to love the Lord. And this love is such a kind that they want to obey His Lordship by keeping scriptures commandments (Jn 14:15, 21, 23; 15:10; 1 John 5:3; 2 John 6). How is this done? The reading and studying of scripture illuminates the way (Ps 119:105). The highly-effective power of scripture changes our lives (Heb 4:12) and re-directs us from our own sinful paths to walking on His path. This is what it means to follow Him. To grow in Christlikeness. To grow in godliness. This is sanctification. A growing in holiness and conformity to the image of God’s Son (Rom 8:29).

In 1 Timothy 4:7 “Train yourself for the purpose of godliness” is an active command to “train” self. What is training, just think about it relating to sports or a job? Training is intentional and repeated practice with an outcome of doing something better out of experience and fitness for it. So if we are training for godliness, we practice holiness and obedience to God’s Word.

This training reminds me of how out of place it was for a family I know to start doing nightly devotions and a hymn sing together. Most people only sing in church or in the car. So, a family devotional like this is out of the ordinary and maybe even awkward at first. It takes intentional training because it is unfamiliar or maybe just out of practice. Yet, after sometime I saw how this family devotional became a normal and joyful practice so much so that it was out of the ordinary and awkward when it was missed. What am I saying? That God knows what He is commanding us to do. Practice makes godliness stick. Its intentional and repeated until it becomes a lifestyle.

Paul uses the same athletic language again in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. There he commands us to run intentionally and discipline our body, looking toward the prize. Sounds a lot like practice doesn’t it?

Now, lets remember why he says we need to train ourselves for godliness in the context of 1 Timothy 4:7. We do so at least in part to prepare ourselves for false teaching, which scripture guarantees will come (Matt 7:15 ; Acts 20:28–30; 2 Pt 2:1). Train on the right paths so that you will not fall for their alternate ways of living. Practice running so that you will not grow weary in the face of their opposition. Discipline yourself so that you will not falter and loose strength when the race is at its hardest. Day’s will come when it will feel like a constant uphill battle to hold to faith and an obedience to the truth of scripture. Train yourself in godliness for those uphill days.

Now we must address the fact that some fake and imitate holy living. We can include with this how some will attempt to live a holy life for the wrong reasons. Such as an attempt to earn salvation. In the face of these, we must see that when someone truly devotes their lives to the Word (that is discipleship), is truly and confidently trusting in the Word (that is faith), and is truly aiming for obedience to the Word (that is godliness) they will find themselves on a path of genuine truth and far from any hypocritical external-ism.

We also learn after this verse that training in godliness is 1) profitable (v.8) 2) holds eternal value (v.8) 3) is a statement all must accept in the church (v.9) 4) is something to labor and strive for (v.10) 5) is motivated by our hope in the living God and Savior (v.10) and 6) is to be commanded and taught to all believers (v.11).

Against these wonderful doctrines, the lawless rebellion of our culture has infiltrated the church and spread an unspoken hatred for godliness. Thus, a lot of modern “christianity” actually guards itself from obedience, holiness, laboring and striving. As if God’s commands themselves are the false teaching. As if God Himself were the enemy of our personal freedom to live as the lords of our own lives.

Application | If we are to walk the ancient paths of truth in such a truth-less age, our eyes must be fully open. How? By knowing God’s Holy Word and trusting, obeying and believing in it completely as our only authority for life and faith. To the point that we can point out what is in error with scripture instead turning to our own thoughts and feelings, or any of cultures ideologies that have been unkowningly ingrained in us. Devoting ourselves to be students of the Word (disciples) to the point that we practice holiness through both true faith and true obedience. Like one in training then, does our every breath labor and strive to practice and grow in such godliness? Why not? If not let’s repent right now and begin to train ourselves for the purpose of godliness.

Prayer | Father, today I put my greatest effort forward for your glory. Today I will work at godliness until there is spiritual sweat on my brow, though it is You both willing and working in me. I will train myself for the purpose of godliness and devote myself to Your Word. Let me run with Your infinite strength in me. Shape my whole life for Your glory alone. Amen.

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