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To the Father be Glory | Philippians 4:20

Scripture | Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Philippians 4:20

Observation | First we can learn from verse 20 that God is both personal and relational. Notice, He is “OUR God and Father.” We belong to Him and He belongs to us (Deut 6:4). Scripture reveals this relationship that of a father and child. In such a relationship, a child ought not to be separated or estranged from the Father. His children belong to Him. They seek Him (Heb 11:6). They draw near to Him (Jas 4:8). They live for His pleasure (Gal 1:10). Such is the father and child relationship of a true believer. It also natural to speak to Him in prayer and listen to Him speak in His Word. In fact, to not have such communication is unnatural for a relationship of a father and child. I silent relationship that has no communication or little at that, is a broken relationship. The Lord our God has revealed Himself through His Son as our Father who is in heaven (Matt 6:9).

Moving on to our second lesson, we learn from verse 20 that our heavenly Father deserves glory. This point is core to our understanding of life and of scripture, as our very purpose is to glorify God (Isa 43:7). The word “glorify” comes from the Greek word “doxa,” which means “to make much of,” “to exalt,” “to honor,” “to praise” and “to magnify.” We can think of a familiar word used in churches and theology, “doxology.” What is a doxology? A brief statement of praise and glory to God. We can find a beautiful example of such glorifying the Lord in a doxology in Romans 11:33-36.

How is God glorified in us? When we trust Him. In particular that is when we trust in His Son, Jesus, as our Savior. He died to pay for our sins. Yet, more broadly we trust in Him through all of His Word. We trust in His revealed will through the writings of the apostles and prophets (Eph 2:20). A trust that both receives God’s promises and responds to God’s commands with obedience, is a life lived for God’s glory. When we choose to take our way, and walk on the worlds paths, God’s way is rejected. In such a way of living the Lord receives none of the glory He deserves. Repentance then is to turn from glorifying anything other then the Lord, to glorifying Him alone.

And for our third lesson from verse 20, we find that the Father does not just deserves glory, but deserves glory “forever and ever.” Because the Lord is God and is sovereign over all things, He will receive all glory even from those who deny Him. Yet, it is greater that even now we would glorify Him out of a reflection of His infinite greatness. And He will always deserve such a response in our lives. Both now and into all eternity. “Forever and ever.”

Application | Spend some time reflect on the greatness of God. Such as:

  • He is great in character.
  • He is great in His kindness towards His people.
  • He is great in His justice.
  • He is great in the deeds of His Son Jesus Christ.
  • He is great in revealing Himself to us
  • He is great for revealing our sin to us
  • He is great for showing us how to live in a way that glorifies Him.

As you remind yourself of and remember God’s awesomeness, take some time to praise Him. Show your love and gratitude for Him today in word and deed. For He is worthy of all glory into all eternity.

Prayer | Father, I confess that too rarely do I reflect on how great You are. You have given me life, You daily give me breath and all good things! You loved me so greatly You sent Your Son to take my place, to pay the price of my death, so that I could live for You and Your glory. Give me the strength to glorify You today. That my life would be a living-holy-sacrificial act of worship and praise. For You and Your glory alone. Amen.

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