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Thou Shalt not Grumble | Philippians 2:14

Scripture | Do all things without grumbling or disputing; Philippians 2:14

Observation | The first lesson of this new covenant command for our lips, is seen in the context. Paul has just written about Christ humbling himself by willingly giving up what He deserves, and who He is, as God in flesh. Now our Lord through Paul commands us to do the same. To think lowly of ourselves and to think more highly of the need of others, and of Him and His glory.

Then in verses 12-13 we are called to obedient-intentional living with fear and trembling, in light of God being the one working in us. This verse strongly contrasts the false teaching that a believer is passive regarding obedience and good works. We are not to live in passively, but actively for God’s glory! A defeatist teaching of sanctification (growth in holy living) will lead toward comfortable apostasy and an allowing of our old nature to sit on the throne of our lives. We must remember as long as we are in the flesh that we are always naturally bent towards sin. As a result, passive living will lead us away from God and His holiness. As a conclusion of these verses, if we humbly and fearfully seek to live according to God’s will, we must not grumble or fight. These are actions of the old nature. Interestingly, “disputing” in regards to the truth of scripture is a different story, as Jude and Peter actually call us to “contend for the faith.”

A friend who serves in the National Guard of the U.S.A. likes to repeat what he has learned in training. He often says, “Suffer silently.” A humble man gives no argument but endures personal hurt and loss without argument or complaint. Humility is always Christ-like. Yet, willing to boldly contend for the truth of the Word and guard it against wolves in sin and error, is Christ-like too. Remember, Jesus is revealed in scripture as both a lion and a lamb.

Application | Do I grumble? What do I dispute? Do I stand as a watchman boldly disputing error against God’s Word? Or do I stand in defense against personal attacks (or even perceived personal attacks)?

Prayer | Lord, help me to live with a low-minded humility that is aware always of my deserving nothing but your wrath in hell right now. Let me see any good that I live in as an act of Your grace for Your glory. In doing so, may my lips never grumble, complain, or dispute in defense of myself. So that all my words and my heart will praise You for Your goodness. Always living for Your glory alone. Amen.

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