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The Selfless Role | Ephesians 5:23

S.Scripture | For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. Ephesians 5:23

O.Observation | [A note first. Please know that my observations and applications are far from my utter failure to be a godly husband as I ought to be. This devotional is written with me and my heart needing it’s own correction and reproof in my pursuit to live more greatly for God’s glory in my own marriage. Will you join me in such pursuit?]
Every morning I read Psalm 96 to remind myself how worthy God is of my life as a living sacrifice of worship. Verse 13 says Yahweh is coming to “judge the world in righteousness.” When I remind one of my coworkers that he doesn’t answer to me but will someday stand before God says, “I will judge God on that day.” Many believers are unconcerned with what happens on judgment day, with no concern other than “resting in grace.” Others stand on the authority of their uneducated understanding of judgement day, simply because “this is what I believe,” and “God won’t judge those who He’s forgiven.” None of the approaches mentioned have a high view of scripture. Scripture says even to the Christians that we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, with a review of our deeds (2 Cor 5:10). Paul in this verse has a high view and high expectation of his accounting for life before our Lord and Savior on that day.

Apply this to marriage in our gender rebellious age and it is frightening. For the lost yes, but all the more for those who have been given so much in the Word of God. For the slaves (doulos) of God are given much, which means much will be required of them (Lk 12:48). It is worth some time in study to understand what is written “for it is time for judgement to begin with the house of God (1 Pt 4:17).” The design and authority of God, the command of God, the righteous duties of one man as a husband, to one woman as a wife, are rancid to enlightened minds today (The enlightenment movement emphasizes reason and the individual resulting in a neglect of God, His glory, and a stand on His truth as absolute).

Nonetheless, God says the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of church. Even calling the husband “lord” in one case (1 Pt 3:6). This imagery of Christ like Lord-ship, must be seen through Christ like Savior-ship too. That is, the man is to be a humble and meek leader, just like Christ. He is to completely sacrifice himself, just like Christ. Not so that the church could have her own way, but for what was the best for the church, what was best in light of eternity. In other words, the Lordship of the husband and the following of the wife are both to be void of selfishness, just like Jesus was. Jesus as our leader boldly stood firm on eternal truths and righteousness, even when His bride was unfaithful. On the other side he completely sacrificed himself for her. This is the saving imagery to be shown in marriage.

Marital love is not to be like the world’s, “what can I get out of it” and “how does it benefit me.” Instead our aim is to be, “How can I sacrifice myself for God’s glory in this marriage, in the duty of husband or wife.” It’s been rightly noted by others, when Jesus submitted to the headship of the father and followed His will it made him no less an equal. Instead both were seen as all the greater.

A.Application | How can I fulfill my duty to lead [or follow] selflessly today? How can I better reveal Jesus as Lord and Savior in the way my marriage reflects His relationship with the Church? How can I “give myself up,” for my marriage?

P.Prayer | Father, I am selfish and lack humility. Give me strength to fulfill my duty in my marriage with bold joy and selfless submission to You and Your design. For your glory alone. Amen.

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