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Suffering for Glory | 1 Peter 1:6-7

SCRIPTURE | 1 Peter 1:6–7 “In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

OBSERVATION | Our first lesson is how the believer is no less likely than the original audience of scripture to encounter “trials” in this life. And not only a few, but “various trials.” These are not relational or emotional hardships, unless they are “the proof of your faith.” These are not self-centered “about me” hardships. These are the “testing by fire” that “results in praise, and glory and honor” to the Lord. True believers living for God’s glory in all things will experience opposition from worldlings. Even worldly believers. When faced with such trials, passages like this encourage perseverance to keep us from giving in and conforming to worldliness and unfaithfulness to the Lord and His Holy Word.

The second lesson is how we “greatly rejoice” in our faith trials. Even though we are “grieved” by them at the same time. Grief is a natural sadness and distress that we feel when confronted with trials. Such emotional distress needs no medication or man-made psychological assessment. It needs the effective all sufficient living Word of God. It needs to hear the greatness of trials in their “proving our faith, more precious than gold” which on the last day may “result in praise and glory and honor to God.” The fact that our trials and grieving is so valuable to and glorifying to God ought to transform our grief to be mingled with “great rejoicing.”

The third lesson we learn is when Jesus is revealed the lives we’ve lived can bring Him praise.  Though many believe there will be no judgement for those forgiven, many verses point to that day for the believer not regarding salvation, but evaluation. (See Post) The true believer lives in a way that is preparing for that day, even to the point of persevering under trials that “test by fire.” The greater the trial, the greater the opportunity to bring God glory.

APPLICATION | Ask Yourself, do I have “sadness” and “distress” in my life? What is the real cause? If it is self-centered, repent. If it is God centered, rejoice and find strength in His Word. Learn to expect trials to come. Commit today to live for your Savior and Lord’s glory through every trial. Commit to His will being done in your life as it is done in heaven, no matter how fiery of opposition and hardships comes. Stay faithful and true to Jesus so that He is praised when your life is reviewed at His return.

PRAY | Father, I want to live for your glory, according to Your Word. Give me a sorrow that leads to repentance of all self-centered trials in my life. Let me turn away from these, to walk and live in Your will alone. That I can live in ways that will bring You glory alone on the last day. Amen

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