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Subject in Everything | Ephesians 5:24-25

S.Scripture | But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, Ephesians 5:24–25

O.Observation | First, in a gender confused age that even has people identifying, dressing up like and acting like animals, it is good and right to remember the supreme place of scripture. For the true believer, God’s Word is to be the sole authority for all of faith and works. That is to also say it is sufficient for all of life and godliness. God’s Word is also the power of God for the task, able to effect and change us in all area’s of doctrine and life. That is, the Word is what we need in place of and above all else for godly marriages in a rebellious and backward age.

Second, a reflection of the most loving relationship of Christ and His bride, the Church. We must first remember in that relationships, Christ is both Savior and Lord of His bride, the church. If this is not true for both spouses, attempting to build a marriage on these verses will fail. This two fold position of Christ in a true believers life is the cornerstone of their life’s structure. If Jesus is not both Savior and Lord, their is simply no true stability.

Here we have a deep problem in marriage today. For it is uncommon to find a faithful “subjection” to the Lordship of Christ “in everything.” Yet Jesus certainly loves His bride, and gave himself up for her Savior. This message many of those who claim Christ openly accept. Yet few speak of the true believer “subjecting” themselves to the Lord “in everything.” And sometimes such humble submission is spoken of, and then there is a twisting of the difficult parts of scripture as “only applying to the church back then.” This is to say “This command is not for today,” or “This truth was only true in that culture.” We must be careful with such acrobatics of God’s Word, as this is a method that will only accept the calls of scripture that fit with our own culture.

A.Application | What if instead of logical arguments that dismiss the difficult passages of scripture… what if true believers actually subjected ourselves to the one who speaks through His Word “in everything.” What if we had true faith that believed AND obeyed instead of looked for a way out of culturally difficult verses? What if we subjected ourselves to Christ as Lord and head of our lives, without reservation in everything?
What do I need to repent of and conform my life to the scriptures to today? Where am I tempted to conform to the culture, instead of be transformed by the Word.

P.Prayer | Father, open my eyes and show me where I have rebelled and not subjected myself to you as head of my life. Give me faith to believe every Word of Scripture. Give me obedience to subject my life to your will and ways fully. That I might walk the ancient paths, the good way of your Word and forsake the modern ways of living. As I make this my aim, I praise you for the one who is both my Lord and my Savior. Who leads, guides, controls my life and forgives me for my inability to follow fully. Let your grace never be my excuse, by a cause to obey with greater passion. All for your glory, and the praise of Your great love for me alone. Amen.

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