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Rejoice Always | 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Scripture | “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophecies, but examine all things; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16–22

Observation | In this section we read of six imperatives: commands for the true believer from the living God. It is helpful to remind ourselves not only of the authority of the Word, but also of the effective power of God’s Word.

We will focus on the first imperative today, God’s call for us to rejoice always, to have unending joy. Truly believers know they have much to rejoice in. The cornerstone of our rejoicing is the forgiveness and salvation we have in Jesus Christ. This is why the cross, although a symbol of the death penalty, is actually a cause for rejoicing for believers. We remember that the cross is empty, because the death penalty for sin has been defeated. We no longer stand condemned before our holy God. Our deserved punishment of eternal torment in fire has been paid for by His Son. Salvation also means we are now reconciled to the Father, able to speak to Him through prayer and hear Him speaking through His Word.

Sanctification is another cause for our unending joy. This is the transforming work of the Word of God through the Spirit of God in us. It is a cause for joy to know we are being conformed to the image of God’s Son (Romans 8:29). Like clay in the hands of the potter (Jeremiah 18:6), through every trial, every blessing, and every test we are molded. Our perfecting or maturing is a process while in this world, of course (Philippians 3:12–14). But we do grow, and we can see the fruit of the Spirit at work in us. All to the glory of God alone.

The true believer also has much reason for rejoicing in their future glorification. When this life is over and we are completed in Christ in Heaven. Oh, that will be glory! We will then come to our complete likeness of Jesus (1 John 3:2, Philippians 3:21). Sin will be no more, and neither will its temptation and its curse. A true believer knows this longing and it gives him joy in the face of many earthly trials.

Application | Count your blessings and rejoice in the countless things God has done. Our sinful minds often drift to hardships, shortcomings, troubles and worries. It is when we replace these with reflections and meditations on God that we can faithfully rejoice as our verse instructs (1 Thess 5:16). We absolutely always have some reason to rejoice in the Lord, if we will simply search His Word we will find countless reasons for rejoicing.

Pray | Father, through the death and resurrection of your Son I have countless blessings. Open my eyes to see them. Through your Word show me how great of a gift I have in salvation – the beautify and opportunity to glorify you through my sanctification – and the wonderful hope I have in my future glorification. Let me rejoice through faith in Your Word and Your Son learn to obey the command to rejoice always with joy. For Your glory alone. Amen.

As I think of our glorification, I think of one of my favorite hymns. I hope it leads you to “rejoice always,” today.

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