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Honor Biblical Marriage | Hebrews 13:4

SCRIPTURE | Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled, for the sexually immoral and adulterers God will judge.”

OBSERVATION | First, in the wicked and perverse generation of our day, we must remind ourselves of what God means by marriage in order to understand His divine mandate to hold it in honor among all. In Ephesians 5:22–33 the Lord references the original definition and design of marriage in creation. Genesis 2:24 says A man shall leave his father and his mother, and cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” In both the Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek the truth is undeniably clear that a male, whom God created a male, and a female, whom God created a female are joined together in marriage. The words here are both feminine and masculine respectively. Any alteration to God’s Word on a passage this clear is a bold deception of the devil, as an attack on one of the most basic relationships of society held almost unanimously since the world began. We must be on guard for this same old trick of the devil. Since the beginning he has led man into sin by challenging the clear and obvious understanding of God’s Word. Let’s not be surprised that he is still playing the same old game, and humanity is still falling for it.

This age’s wicked reconstruction of God’s creation of marriage is an abomination before Him. In reflection of our passage in Hebrews 13:4, today marriage is certainly not being held in honor. Marriage has been dishonorably recreated to suit the lustful deviations of those who have no restraints. Yet, we need to remember that the removal of God’s restraint in this way is evidence of God’s wrath they have brought upon themselves by giving themselves over to degrading passions and a depraved minds (Rom 1:24, 26, 28).

How might one honor marriage then? In the negative, among God’s people coopering with and being influenced by the twisting of God’s Word about marriage ought to be clearly called out and fled far from. In the positive, the accurate and right teaching ought to be clearly explained, rejoiced in and celebrated “among all.” (Heb 13:4)

Secondly, sadly in a different way marriage is being dishonored among many who claim the name of Christ. Instead of marriage being honored, today the single life is honored and exalted. Yes, we must remember that Paul says each man is given his own gift. There is the gift of marriage and the gift of singleness (1 Cor 7:7). However, the biblical case for single living as a gift given by God is in order to free the individual from spousal devotion, so that one might live fully to the pleasure and devotion of the Lord (1 Cor 7:32).

Many so-called believers in our age have twisted the gift of singleness as an embracing of the cultures individuality and self-fulfilled living. The unspoken mantra of many modern Christian singles today is “I can go where I want to go. I can do what I want to do. A spouse and children will only get in the way of me achieving my goals and dreams.” This is not what the Lord means when He says He gave some the gift of being single. And the result is a dishonoring of marriage as something that ties someone down in an undesirable way.

Third, it is not that marriage has been honored by all rightly either. Our times have taught even believers to marry for their own enjoyment, pleasure, and fulfillment. Most view their partners as someone who can fill a need or want in their own life. So much so, that the cause of diviroce is a result of the question “what can he/she do for me anymore?” Instead, the biblical model of love and marriage is selfless sacrifice on such a deep and personal level and in such a complete way that it is devoid of self. That is biblical love and when marriage is rightly taught and lived out by both parties with that kind of love, no man on earth is glorified, but God is glorified alone. As His love is put on display in a way that honors both marriage and it’s creator.

What does that look like? It means His design of marriage is highly valued by all people. That is a marriage of self-sacrifice, a marriage of two God created genders from the womb being made one, a marriage of a man and woman who embrace and delight in their God ordained roles. Such is a right view of marriage is to held as precious in the sight of the true Church. Such a view of marriage is to be taught and celebrated.

Fourth, if “marriage is to be to be held in honor among all,” then it follows also that“the marriage bed is to be undefiled.” Undefiled means untainted and pure according to God’s Holy Word. Again, here we admit that marriage in our age is being greatly defiled. Adultery and sexually related sins are the norm both in and outside of marriage. Dating, a rather new phenomenon in the history of the world, has become the cesspool of physical intimacy that is biblically reserved for the union of two beings in marriage. Add the recent addition of the internet to the moral collapse of marriage in our age and one doesn’t even have to look for explicit images to be enticed by them. The sin of adultery by lustful images and porn is so rampant, among many it is considered as something we must just accept. We must head God’s warning: “the sexually immoral and adulterers God will judge.” This is a blunt call to repentance. A call to return to the ancient path of honoring and protecting marriage.

APPLICATION | The question is “How can a man keep his way pure?” Psalm 119:9 gives the answer “By keeping it according to Your Word.” We need to repent of our worldliness, “lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles,” (Heb 12:1) and start living set apart lives from our culture and society “so that we will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues.” (Rev 18:4)

So ask yourself: What needs to change in my life for me to honor marriage and keep the marriage bed undefiled? How will I face the judgement of an all-knowing God regarding sexual immorality and adultery? What path do I need to take immediately to honor either the marriage I am in or the one I maybe in someday? Take care of business immediately. Do not put it off. God’s warning of judgement is clear. And so is the biblical offer of forgiveness and grace if you repent.

PRAYER | Father, as a nation and even as Your church we have sinned by greatly dishonoring marriage. Forgive us for the sake of Jesus, cleanse each one of us individually and all of us as a nation from all sexual immorality. Make us to repent and return to Your definition of marriage as it’s creator. Move us to honor this divine gift according to Your design before all who we encounter. For the praise of Your name and for Your glory alone. Amen.

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