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He Must Lead Well | 1 Timothy 3:4

Scripture | 1 Timothy 3:4 An overseer, then, must beleading his own household well, having his children in submission with all dignity

Observation | The call of an elder or overseer in the church is a high calling (see 3:1-16). Yet God also calls it a “good work.” There is a unique reward and expectation for the men who serve in this “office.” The call of their characteristics is set by the Lord as examples for all to follow.

In the biblical roles of men and women there was once a clarity about who is set apart to serve God by leading and who serves God by following. Without that clarity, the family has been cross wired to short-circuit in failure by our culture. The battle of the genders brought on by the curse will destroy not only the family unit, but also nations (Gen 3:16) if we do not repent and return to the ancient path of God’s design (Eph 5:22-33). This gender role rebellion has by extension been brought into the church, which as an extension of the family has been cast into confusion and the gender war of the curse as well.

We must return to God’s ways and not man’s. Men are positioned as heads of their homes by design of creation and divine decree (1 Tim 2:12-15). The men in the home, like the men in the church “must lead well (1 Tim 3:4).” Not as dictators, but as shepherds who love and care for those placed in their charge, the sheep. Shepherds who sacrifice themselves and all of their lives to provide for and protect their flock. A selfish shepherd does not lead well. Neither does a silent shepherd, especially when he sees what is best for his flock or what puts it in danger. Leading well also means not yelling regularly, as the sheep then grow accustom to it and it gives no alarm.

Of course, the best example of leading well is Jesus, as He led with a whip and strong words at times and yet laid down His life for those in His care. All the commands and promises of scripture equip and define those who are called to lead well.

Application | Am I leading or following well? Do I despise my role, station and duty given to me by God or abuse it? How is God calling me to be a better example in my role as husband, father, wife, mother, child, brother, or sister? How must I repent today?

Prayer | Father, I have failed to lead (follow) well. I confess that I struggle to fulfill my duty and role according to Your Word. I will not blame others, or look for excuses. Give me the strength of Jesus as He submitted to the point of death, and also led as the Lord of all creation. Give me a joy in sacrificing myself according to Your Word and not man’s. For You and Your glory alone. Amen.

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