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Guard Your Faith | 1 Timothy 6:20-21

SCRIPTURE | 1 Timothy 6:20–21 “Guard what has been entrusted to you, turning aside from godless and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called knowledge—which some, while professing, have gone astray from the faith. Grace be with you.”

OBSERVATION | In Paul’s closing words to his “child” in the faith (2 Tim 1:2) he gives a serious final call to action with warning.

First, we learn of the gift that Timothy, as well as ourselves, are called to “guard.” All who trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, must trust also in God’s Holy Word that reveals Him. The gift of God’s Word is a responsibility entrusted to us. The original Greek word for “entrusted” refers to a deposit. If you have true faith, you have been given a “deposit.” What is it? The reference to “knowledge” reveals it is the truth of God’s Holy Word. It is what we have faith in, the faithful Words of Scripture. The Lord says we are to “guard” this treasure! This is a familiar command. We are to protection and be watchman who have the responsibility of protecting the truths of Scripture (Acts 20:28-31; Jude; 2 Peter).

Second, attacks on the truths of the Word are implied by the command to “guard.” Some will try to rob us of the truth. How? According to Paul, by “arguments” from those who claim to profess “knowledge.” Where will this come from? The source of such knowledge will come from everywhere but scripture. Some even in Seminaries pursuing theology make arguments based on logic instead of scripture. Some, instead of logic, turn to emotion for truth concluding things like “How can you believe God would ever create someone and yet send them into suffering for eternity?” Thus, denying the truth of hell with logical and an emotional argument. Others turn to experience for truth, “I know a friend who such and such happened to, therefore…” Many reject God’s warnings of living that is an abomination to God and that will not inherit the kingdom in heaven, with a simple experience claim (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). “Because my son is a…. because my friend is a….” Yet, perhaps the most difficult are the spiritual encounters “God told me….” or “I had a dream….” or “I saw this or that and then I had complete peace that…” While each of these statement seem innocent when you hear them, they are all different ways people claim to come to know the truth. Their “knowledge” however in these cases, is not build on the faithful and sufficient truth Scripture.

If we are to guard the truth, we must remember in the face of other sources of knowledge that God’s ways and thoughts are higher than humanities as the universe is higher than the earth (Is 55:8-9). We must remember that the Word of God is sufficient for all of life and godliness (2 Tim 3:16-17 LINK) and we must remember the warning of adding anything to God’s revealed truth, or omitting anything from it (Deut 4:2; 12:32; Prov 30:6; Reve 22:18–19). A truth claim not from the divine then attacks the truth of the divine, and the fact that His revealed will in the Word is all we need. All truth is then not God’s truth, because many claims of truth do not come from Him who is Truth.

Third, let us be on guard, because all so called “knowledge” will have followers who are convinced they believe accurate truth, even if they have “gone astray.” People will think they are right. Only maybe if someone was insane would they believe that what they believe isn’t true. So, lets simplify this.  Everyone will have “opposing arguments” either for or against the truths of Scripture. Be on guard therefore, for many will claim Christ, but their foundation of truth will not be from a high view of God’s sufficient and authoritative Word.

How do we guard the Word against their “opposing arguments?” God does not say “to tolerate” or “befriend,” or “welcome them into the assembly of believers” because “they will come around to agree eventually.” No, He says here in 1 Timothy 6 that we are to “turn aside” from even engaging with them. This is consistent with the New Testament removal of false teachers from the church. Those who are in error are to be confronted and are to repent. Or we are to remove them.

Modern sentiment says “this is unloving” but God says this is how we guard the truth. Now, we must also remember there are those who do inquire, question, study, seek to learn about the truth. The deciding factor is in the source of “knowledge.” And it would be helpful to add much is revealed by the conduct of inquiry.

Fourth, let’s end reminding ourselves of what the gospel writer John says in his second letter “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not give him a greeting, for the one who gives him a greeting participates in his evil deeds (2 John 10).” True love must be willing to give tough love, or it is not real love at all. Love must guard the truth, and guard against offending God with the twisting or rebellion of it. Love does not guard instead the ears of people from the offensiveness of God’s truth. To offend God instead of man with silence, or worse the twisting of scripture is not light matter. It is the same as embracing error and sin, and rejecting God.

APPLICATION | Do I have faith in the authority and sufficiency of Scripture alone? Or do I mix in logic, emotions, and experience? What is the source of my faith? If you trust in anything other than scripture alone, repent and study the Word of God to learn true knowledge and what it is to trust God’s truth and walk in God’s ways. Guard yourself and your study of the Word against opposing arguments by even turning aside from them.

PRAYER | Father, sometimes I have taken it on myself to win someone over from false knowledge. I have gone beyond the presentation of your Word to attempt to create faith by my own arguments. Help me to defend the truth, but also to trust the salvation of souls to Your Sovereign care. So that I do not dive so deeply into opposing arguments to go astray from the faith myself. Thank You for Your grace in keeping me in Your care. Let me not abuse that with careless entanglement of any knowledge that is not of Your Word. Give me a love for Your Word. A hunger for Your Word. And an overwhelming divine desire to apply your Word to my life. And give me the grit to guard against those who would oppose such a life. So that I might live more and more for Your glory alone. Amen.

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