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Godliness | Ephesians 5:1

S.Scripture | Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, Ephesians 5:1

O.Observation | So much wonderful doctrine is found in this verse. For one we see the true believer’s security in adoption as “beloved children.” Those who are loved by the Father are His sons and daughters! Nothing that happens in this world changes that. It is the same with our children, if we are mothers or fathers. The position of child does not change. Nothing can separate the loving relationship of a parent to their child (Rom 8:38-39).

The reflection goes even further, as we often see children imitating their parents, so too do God’s children imitate Him. This command to be “imitators of God” we often call being “godly.” It’s roots go back to Genesis when God made mankind in His image (Gen 1:27). Sin has caused us to fall away from that image. God’s love, grace and mercy, especially in Christ, has set us free from slavery to sin. In position we are now seen as image bearers, now in practice we joyfully want to grow in godliness too (Rom 8:29)!

A.Application | Do others see my life as a reflection of godliness or the world? How can I stop and reflect more often on my thoughts, words and deeds to test them and conform them against God-likenes, according to His Word?

P.Prayer | Father, I confess I often live in my own image. I fail to live godly, according to your word. I praise you that I know I am loved as your child in position. Please conform me to Your image in my practice. That I might live for Your glory alone. Amen.

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