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Exiles for God’s Glory| 1 Peter 2:11–12

SCRIPTURE | 1 Peter 2:11–12 Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul, by keeping your conduct excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good works, as they observe them, glorify God in the DAY OF VISITATION.

EXPLANATION | First, we learn of who we are because of God’s love and grace in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because of Him we are “beloved.” In other words, those who have true faith, are those who are loved. Loved by the all-powerful, all knowing and holy God. Not that we are loveable, not that we are worthy, but that despite our bent toward rebellion the Father chose to love us and make us His. That is what it means to be “beloved.”

Second, we are also taught that those who are loved are “sojourners and exiles.” In other words, this world and this age is not our home. Now, its not that we are on some sort of a vacation or holiday just visiting. We are not tourists. Instead, we are exiles. That is displaced citizens. We neither fit into the culture of this world or should try to belong to it. Can this be said of many so-called believers today? Of us? A preacher once said “Today the saints look a lot like the aints.” We must remember and live like this is not our home. Our ways of living should fit in in heaven, and not on the earth.

Third, “as sojourners and exiles” we are taught that our living is to be characterized by our “abstaining,” “excellent conduct” and “good works.” These ways of living for God will cause further contrast and friction between the citizens of heaven and the worldlings. Things the flesh desires to participate in that have zero-righteousness involved will be abstained form. Causing the worldling to cry out “What? You think you are better than us?” “Why do you judge us?” But the true believer abstains non the less. For he does not live to please man, but to please his heavenly Father (Gal 1:10). In fact, the way of living for those loved by God is to be so godly and so different it is counted as “excellent.” Such “good works” defined by the Word of God which is profitable for teaching, reproof and training in righteousness are God’s ways, and not man’s.

Fourth, we learn that such holy living will “glorify God.” This happens either through the salvation of souls as they live in faith and obedience that glorifies Him. Or it will glorify God with an honest confession of the worldling made of the believers good works on the last day. Either is possible because the phrase “day of visitation” could refer to when a man is redeemed as the Spirit of God visits him and converts His life. Or it could refer to judgement day when God visits all of mankind for our great accounting. Either way, we are taught to be a witness and bring God glory from onlookers through our “conduct” and “good works.” And not just loving or kind good works, but “excellent” good works. That is we are to live in a high degree and quality of holiness every day.

APPLICATION | Is Holy and godly living an everyday way of life for me? Do I live like I don’t belong to this culture and this world, or like I do? Does the fact that I am loved cause me to want to show my love for God to others in what I abstain from and in how excellent of a holy life I live? Have I suffered for living a holy life as others respond with “slander?” If I have, praise God for such opportunities to glorify Him, and grow in holiness today.

PRAY | Father, I am overwhelmed by the mercy of Your love for me. I confess I am full of sin and deserve nothing good, but only eternal judgement. Yet, You adopted me, made me Your child. So that now I confess with boldness in Jesus, that I am a citizen of Your kingdom and not of this world. Help me to do your will, here on earth just as I will in heaven, abstaining from worldly conduct and pursuits. Let me in faith obey your Word boldly, that others would see my life and glorify You both today and the day we stand before You in judgement. That all of my life would bring greater and greater glory for You and for You alone. Amen.

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