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Death & Life | Philippians 1:21-23

S.Scripture | For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; Philippians 1:21–23

O.Observation | The true believer sees death as “gain.” This passage teaches us that leaving this world should not be feared by those who truly know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Paul speaks of a life after death, not a state of nothingness or a partial arrival, as if purgatory were real. Like the thief on the cross who was in paradise the very day he came to faith in Christ (Lk 23:43), so will we who have true faith in Christ be after our passing from this world (Lk 16:22).

Paul is such a wonderful example in how he prefers to be with Christ after death and even longs for that day to come. It’s even more inspiriting that he still finds purpose in living. This is the second lesson we can learn from this passage. Living has a purpose, and it is not our own pleasures, personal gain, or worldly success. Our purpose is the same as Paul’s: to engage in “fruitful labor.”

A.Application | Do I live with this purpose in mind? Do I work in the life and path God has placed me in, both to strengthen my own faith and obedience and to influence others? Am I intentional about choosing paths that honor the Lord’s Word and bring glory to Him, rather than conforming to the patterns of this world and its culture?

P.Prayer | Heavenly Father, let me live for Christ, who died for me. Let everything I think, say, and do be for the advancement of Your Word, for the salvation and sanctification of the lives You have given me to reach. May I live for You and Your glory, because You alone are infinitely worthy! Amen.

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