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Dead to Sin | Colossians 3:9-10

Scripture | “… since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him…” Colossians 3:9–10

Observation | This section is rich with wonderful truth of what it is to be a true believer in both justification and sanctification. We can note first a list of actions that result from our spiritual death with the Savior (v.3) and first resurrection and new life with the Lord (v.1-2). In Colossians 3 the resulting actions in verb form are that we “consider” our body “dead” to sin (v.5-6). Those who are truly saved “once walked” in sin. Living in sin for them is in the past (v.7). “But now,” in the present living, the believer has “laid them (sin) aside (v.8).” In this passage our English translations overlook the aorist-past tense used in the original Greek. This is an action we did when we died with Christ at salvation. Ever since then, a continual living in sin is unnatural and contradictory.

Paul provides examples of practical sin, but the evils of our former life are not limited to these specifics. In v.9, “since you put off the old man,” we again see the past tense of laying sin aside. It is done. Sin is no longer your life or your way of living. You are no longer alive to sin, but dead to it, and alive to new life in the Lord. You have “put on the new self.” Your completely new life has already begun. And this life is “being renewed to a full knowledge according to the image who created Him.”

In this statement we reach the continuous-present tense in the lesson. In the knowledge of truth, you are now being made into the image of God. Presently, your character is undergoing a process of being molded into Him. This is our present state which scripture calls sanctification (Which in the original language literally means “being made holy”). It is our working, and yet it is both active and passive. Like Philippians 2:12-13, we actively with fear and trembling” pursue a life of obedience because “God is at work in you both to will and to work for His God pleasure.” (See devotional)

Application | Since we died to sin, we must no longer live in them. Because we have been given new life, we live out that new and holy life. Take time to read and reflect on Colossians 3:1-11 inviting the Lord to reveal any areas of sin that you may still be holding onto. Seek to be molded into His image through the process of sanctification, which occurs as you engage with His Word. Select a verse that addresses that specific sin and write it on an index card or a small sheet of paper. Bring it with you throughout the week. Memorize it and meditate on it. Daily seek God in repentance, asking Him to work in you the image of Christ through the effective power of His Word.

Prayer | Father, I confess I life in my sin of ___________. I still walk in it, even though I am dead to it. “Lead me not into temptation, deliver me from evil.” Lead me by the power of Your Word to walk in my new life that You have given me. By the power of Your Word, the sacrificial death and resurrection of your Son, and the ongoing work of Your Spirit in me. For You and Your glory alone. Amen.

[NOTE FROM JESSE: Please excuse the gap in devotionals. Our family has just relocated and I also had an accident with my hands. Both have been keeping me from typing at a normal rate.]

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