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Chosen for a Purpose | 1 Peter 2:9-10

SCRIPTURE | 1 Peter 2:9–10 But you are A CHOSEN FAMILY, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY.

EXPLANATION | First we learn again of Peter’s exalted view of scripture, even as God spoke through him.  We see this in how although he was inspired by God, Peter still quoted and taught from Old Testament scriptures as he wrote. Marvelously, this even shows God’s high view of Holy Scripture

Second, from “but you” we are taught of a contrast between the true believers and the unbelievers. The unbelievers “reject” Jesus, while the true believers find Him “precious.” (v.7) They “are disobedient to the Word,” (v.8) while we are obedient through faith. They are “appointed” to be offended and lost (v.8), while the true believer by grace are “chosen” to be “God’s own possession.” (v.9)

Third, we are taught who we are if we truly believe with six gracious declarations. These teach how we belong to one another as (1) “a chosen family.” Chosen being the word for election. God elected those who are His before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4). By this elective choice of God, each chosne one becomes part of a family. As the chosen, it is our duty to serve and glorify God in a way that is pleasing to Him.

This gracious position is also a (2) “royal priesthood.” In other words, like the Old Covenant priests were to serve according to God’s will and ways alone, so are we. However, we have an even greater role as instead of animal sacrifices, we are to be the living and holy sacrifices to God  (Rom 12:1-2).

Interestingly, the Jewish people took great pride in their identity as a nation set aside by the Lord. Yet it was always the remnant, the ones chosen by God who are His (3) “Holy Nation.” “Holy” meaning what is both morally pure and what is set aside. Like God chose Abraham and his seed after him, which numbers like the sand of the sea. So, we are Abraham’s sons by faith (Gal 3:7). We are His seed, and therefore the Holy Nation that was always in view. Not by flesh and blood, not by the will of man, but by the merciful will of God (Rom 9:16). Those who have faith in the Savior and Lord are the “holy nation.” Though not a physical nation until the Kingdom of our Lord comes physically in the resurrection and the new age of this earth.

Then there is a declaration that true believers belong to God as His (4) “possession.” Not possession as a material possession, but like a wife belongs to her husband (Eph 5:22-33) or as a son belongs to his father (Rom 8:15).

Forth, we are taught our duty is a response. “So that” shows us all of these gracious changes to who we are have been done for a cause and purpose. The reason why anyone is chosen is not for their own benefit. Instead, they are to “proclaim the excellencies of Him.”  In other words, they are to exalt and glorify God in every thought, word and deed because of all He has done. Because He is worthy. We declare in not only words, but in holy living, His excellence by staying out of the darkness and walking in “His marvelous light.” (Jn 3:19–21; 1 Jn 1:5–10)

Fifth, again it is declared of the elect, the reason why we are to live holy is because God has taken us who “were not a people” and made us (5) “the people of God.”  We in conclusion should never separate the awesome wonder of who God is and what he has done from the response of holy living He expects. To do so goes against the repeated teaching of scripture and the divine design of the right pattern of doctrine directing and causing faith and life to glorify God. Because in our sin we had no mercy, but only guilt and judgment, (6) “but now we have received mercy.” Here, Peter teaches from Hosea, as he parallels the people of God’s choosing with the prostitute and the adulterous nation Hosea married and ministered to. Showing God’s unmeasurable love and our need to repent and be loyal to the One who has done so much for us.

APPLICATION | Do I value my bible the way the authors of scripture do? The way God does? Is reading, knowing, studying, applying, and speaking God’s Word a top priority for me? Does my life contrast the worldlings around me? . Do I both know who I am now because of Christ and live accordingly? Do I live to proclaim God’s glory alone in everything? Or am I offended by the truths of scripture and living in disobedience? If so, repent and obey the truth

PRAYER | Father, give me a greater love for Your Word that it would effect my life and cause a renewal in me which is not conformed with this world. That in the renewing of my mind I would boldly stand in confidence of who you declare I am through grace and live a right and holy life for your glory alone. Amen.

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