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Active Holiness | Ephesians 4:24

S.Scripture | and to put on the new man, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. Ephesians 4:24

O.Observation | Paul follows the theme of what true Christians are to be putting on and off from verse 17 to the end of the chapter. This new life we have is a gift from God. It is “the life of God (vs.17)” in that it is from and for Him. The old way of living, the way of the worldling, is detailed as what we are to “lay aside” as our “former conduct (vs.22).” Just as the worldlings are now, we formerly were, with futile thinking, not knowing the truth (vs. 17). Thus, the worldly way of living is darkened, even alienated from God, with those who have hard hearts (vs.18). The ambition of life for worldlings is “sensuality,” what feels good and is enjoyable, which is a selfish “greediness” and “every kind of impurity (vs. 19).” We certainly see this in the extreme openness of the sexual revolution as it progresses into gender confusion and lawlessness today.

Verse 20 brings a great contrast to all of this with “but you…” That way of living is gone for us who are truly saved. We know better through our “learning Christ (v.20)” and our being “renewed in the spirit of the mind (v.23).” Thus we actively “lay aside” such ways of worldly living and thinking as we continuously “put on the new man, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.” Down through verse 32 we are given some examples of what this putting on and laying aside looks like, such as anger.

A.Application | Our first lesson is the active, intentional growth of sanctification we are called to here. If we walk the path of life unintentionally, our old nature leads us to worldly living and thinking. Our active pursuit of the narrow way of living, by renewing our mind in God’s Word, may be the most difficult battle we face and fight. Not only does our flesh resist the work of the Spirit (Gal 5:17), but the worldlings and our spiritual enemies lead us to resist as well. Worse of all is the religious apathy that is applauded and condoned by others who claim Christ. “Don’t be too serious about religion,” “Relax a little.” We might hear things like these from fellow believers. Yet, this affirming a lukewarm way of living is not true grace or love as they will claim. It is encouraging people to turn from the ways of God. Thus the active pursuit of God, of knowing His Word, of believing and obeying His Word, is the greatest battle with opponents on every side. Still grow in the Word we must, for it is the authority of God, is all we need for life and godliness, and is powerful to effect in us what God speaks.

So today let us memorize Ephesians 4:24 and seek the one who calls us to Him as we actively seek to obey Him “in righteousness and holiness of the truth.”

P.Prayer | Father forgive me for how I’ve lived a fleshly and worldly life. Forgive me for my passivity towards Your will and ways. Show me through Your Word how I am to actively put on a righteous and holy life. A practical life in harmony with the position that is mine through my Savior Jesus Christ. All for Your glory alone and not my own. Amen.

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