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2 Corinthians 5:9

S.Scripture | 9Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. 2 Corinthians 5:9

O.Observation | Verse 6 teaches us that there is a sort of “absence” we live in from the Lord while in our fleshly bodies. So we are to live by our trust in Him not by what we see (7). We have reason for courage as we look forward to being with the Lord (8). And every reason to live for His good pleasure as we will all give an accounting when we see Him, according to our deeds (10). There is a mixture of joy, anticipation, fear, awe, love and gratitude in this reality. But the greatest of all is love. For those who love their Lord, live to please Him, because He first loved us.

A.Application | Am I daily ordering my life in love for my savior and king who I will give an accounting to for every thought, word and deed? Do I trust in my salvation and forgiveness in the cross of Jesus Christ, and because of it long to please Him on that day? Do I look forward to that day or will I shrink back at his coming?

P.Prayer | Father, realign my hearts ambitions no matter what I do or where I am in the flesh, to be pleasing to you alone. For your glory alone. Amen.

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