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1 Corinthians 7:19

S.Scripture | “Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but what matters is the keeping of the commandments of God.” 1 Corinthians 7:19

O.Observation | I enjoy the sarcasm we find in Paul’s voice as he instructs the married, the unmarried and the widow. In verse 18 he says “was any man called when he was already circumcised? He is not to become uncircumcised.” Ha-ha! This would be impossible. Yet it is the heart of Paul’s point. It would be just as unnatural to somehow undo circumcision as it would to leave the estate God has placed us in. Instead, we remain content and trust God in whatever circumstance we find ourselves (Philippians 4:11–13). Whether we are a slave, or free (1 Cor. 7:21). Whether we are married or not. Our contentment comes from trusting the Lord.

Now, God does shows that some circumstances are better than others in this chapter, and these are to be sought depending on factors. Yet, both marriage and singleness are seen as a gift from the Lord.

By some, all of this instruction here is deemed as law. By those carried away in the modern drift from the Word of God into apostasy, to expect obedience to these laws is seen as a sort of evil. To these God’s commandments are a heavy burden, forced, and disregarded as a form of works righteous legalism. Sadly, there is at work in today’s church two passions, one that delights in living to please the Lord (v.32; 1 John 5:3) the other delights in a twisted version freedom from the commandments that result in this mentality. Though that passion would not admit it, this “freedom” is an abuse of grace, so that we might rebel against God’s commands and live freely for our own pleasures.

Ironically, the entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 7 is devoted to the theme of not living to please self but being content in the place the Lord placed you. Imagine if a man came to Christ, and divorced His wife so “he could serve the Lord better.” What damage that would do to the glory of God and the image which marriage is, Jesus’ love for His bride, the church. Or the dishonor to God if anyone becoming a believer rebelled against the place and position God has put them in. God rules and reigns over all things, even before one is rescued from the “domain of darkness.” (Colossians 1:13) We are to look to him to find our contentment and to grow in obedience from faith, so that we might live for His glory where we are.

A.Application | The keeping of His commandments matters. This is a deep and eternal truth. The true King of all things, who we exist for and whose Son we have been rescued by, is the only one who rightfully has authority to command our lives. We are utterly rebellious whenever we discount, twist or ignore His directing Word.  The keeping of His commandments matter.

Do I regularly review my life through the lens of the 10 commandments? Do I long to obey all of God’s Word because of who God is, and what He has done for me in mercy and grace? Or do I live my life to please myself? When I fall short of God’s Word, do I shrug it off? Or do I fall to my knees and plead for forgiveness? Do I then continue to live in such ways that are contrary to the Word? Or do I truly repent? In what major way do I need to repent with my life today? In what minor way?

P.Prayer | Father, I have not valued your commandments as I ought. I confess that at times they have not even “mattered” to me. Forgive me for such lukewarm living. For such selfish living. Help me to grow in obedience to your commands in thought, word and deed. Because of Your great love for me, grow in me a love for You and living in a way that is pleasing to you. Let my life be lived always and only for your glory. Amen.

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