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1 Corinthians 3:16

S.Scripture | Do you not know that you are a sanctuary of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

O.Observation | The blue prints of this sanctuary are detailed in this chapter. The ekklesia, that is the gathering of God’s people, is God’s building both corporately (together) and individually. (1) This building belongs to God, it is His (vs.9; 1 Cor. 6:18-20). God’s workers, by God’s grace, construct that building (3:10). Jesus Christ is the one and only foundation. Without salvation in the Lord there is no building at all (v.11). (2) Our doctrine and our deeds are the materials that build onto the foundation. Some are true and lasting and others are not. (3) Judgement day will reveal if there is a lasting and eternal quality to those doctrines and deeds. Those done for God’s glory and according to His will as revealed in His Holy Word will pass the test of the fire. (4) Those who are God’s building and have lasting structure built on the foundation of Jesus, will be rewarded for them (v.14). (5) Some will be saved, though they have no lasting structure (v.15). These are those saved by grace in Jesus, yet without growth in biblical doctrine and obedient lives. The thief on the cross is our example of this (Lk 23:43). In the context of scripture, this is not a free pass for those who live as friends of the world (James 4:4). It is not to give hope to anyone who uses the doctrine of grace as an excuse to live in sin and deny the place of the Savior as master and Lord of their life (Jude 4). Using 1 Corinthians 3 in such a way is a twisting abuse of the grace given to those who either lack time or opportunity to grow in the knowledge of truth and the obedience of faith.

A.Application | Every thought, word and deed matters to God. Each moment of my day is a piece of material being built upon the foundation of my salvation in Jesus Christ, if I have truly placed my trust in Him. The material could be the lies of the wisdom of men I have come to believe, or the truth of God that I study, learn and put confidence in. It could be my wandering thoughts during the sermon on the Lord’s Day, or my attentive ears and soft heart. It could be my anger against what I have wrongly thought to be insult or wrongs, or a righteous anger against true injustice and unrighteousness according to God’s Word. All of it, every moment, will be tested by fire when I appear before my Master and Savior. In view of God’s grace and mercy, and in view of judgement day I will make it my aim to please my Lord in every thought, word and deed (Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 6:9-10).

P.Prayer | Father, I confess that much of my life will not pass the test of the day I stand before Your Son. I ask that you would forgive me, because of His work on the cross and empty grave. Now by Your Spirit in me, give me strength to put to death the deeds of my flesh (Romans 8:13), which is the worthless material I add to my life, as I build Your temple. Give me a guilt and shame of my sin that leads me to true repentance (2 Corinthians 7:9) and produces in me the fruit that you desire (John 15:8). And give me a great zeal to build on the foundation of forgiveness in Your Son with true doctrines and righteous deeds that will pass the test of His judgement day. And thank you, that like Paul was able to carefully work for You by your grace, so am I too (1 Corinthians 3:10). All for Your glory alone. Amen.

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