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1 Corinthians 12:27

S.Scripture | “Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27

O.Observation | The body, Christ’s church, belongs to Christ. Each believer who walks with Jesus belongs to Him individually.  They are Christ’s. They belong to Him. The whole body belongs to Jesus.  Thus, all the gifts and abilities of the body are supplied by His Spirit and are given for the edification and building up of the His body for His glory.

We also belong to one another too. The royal law of love (James 2:8) is seen in the belonging to the body and ministry to one another in the body.

A.Application | The mutual care for one another in verse 26 is something many today are craving. It’s a fruit of true believers belonging to one another. Sadly, it is often imitated and marketed in the churches for a greed of numbers. Or the care for one another is superficially exchanged in the form of programs instead of genuine devotion.

The question then is, am I devoted to Christ in His body? Or do I look for Christ and His body to be devoted to me? How am I and how can I serve other members individually? Do I love those who I belong to and are united with in Christ, genuinely? How can I grow my love and care for them?

P.Prayer | Father, forgive and cleanse me for my selfish approach to your church. Your church, of which I belong. Your church which exists together and individually for You and Your glory. Show me how to glorify you by loving others, in thought, word and deed. All for your glory. Amen.

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